2011-12-25 - GoDaddy's Latest Scumbag Move Backfires, Damage Control Failing 2011-12-19 - Fun With Vapour Part Six: eGo-W Variable Voltage 2011-12-15 - Fun with Vapour Part Five: DIY Mixing your own E-Juice/E-Liquid 2011-12-09 - Megaupload Song ft. P Diddy,, Alicia Keys, Snoop Dogg, Kanye West, Lil John, Kim Kardashian, Jamie Foxx, Chris Brown 2011-12-01 - You Can Still Get Cheap Comodo Positive SSL for Under $10 2011-11-30 - Cleaning the Das Keyboard Ultimate Model S Mechanical Keyboard 2011-11-27 - OpenRC unable to exec init.d scripts: Exec format error 2011-11-27 - A Note on HTTP Authentication in the Era of APACHE2_MODULES 2011-11-27 - Portage Errors: app-admin/php-toolkit is blocking app-admin/eselect-php 2011-11-26 - Portage Errors: cp: preserving times Bad file descriptor 2011-11-26 - Portage Errors: ld: cannot find -lpng12 2011-11-26 - Portage Errors: No such file or directory 2011-11-26 - Portage Errors: gcc must provide the cpuid.h header 2011-11-26 - Portage Errors: Cairo Fails to Compile on libiberty.h 2011-11-26 - Portage Errors: Package 'libpng12', required by 'cairo', not found 2011-11-26 - Portage Errors: xz: command not found 2011-11-26 - Apache2 Errors: Cannot load into server: 2011-11-26 - Portage Errors: cannot find the library /usr/lib/ 2011-11-26 - Portage Errors: app-admin/logrotate is blocking sys-apps/portage 2011-11-17 - Fun with Vapour Part Four: Straw Air Pressure Cartridge Modification 2011-11-16 - Fun with Vapour Part Three: Back in the Game with the Joye 510 L E-Cigarette 2011-11-16 - Rotate Red5 Logs Without logrotate 2011-11-12 - Fix Kopete, other libmsn MSN/WLM Clients Broken/Won't Connect 2011-11-07 - Rapidly Import Database Column Names as Variables with Spreadsheet Formulas 2011-10-27 - Installing Webcam Studio for GNU/Linux From Source on Gentoo 2011-10-27 - Stream Webcams and Sound in Flash via RTMP with JW Player 2011-10-26 - Installing C++ RTMP Server (rtmpd, crtmpdserver) From Source on Gentoo 2011-09-23 - Dumpster Diving Part Two: Self Indulgence and KSU Resets due to Power Loss 2011-07-08 - Red5 Streaming Media Server Init Script for Gentoo 2011-06-21 - ClearOS: Can Not Ping Internal or External Gateway IPs from Open DMZ Host 2011-06-09 - Portage Errors: dev-libs/libaio final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output 2011-04-26 - Fun with Vapour Part Two: Great News from the United States 2011-04-13 - Portage Errors: cc1: out of memory 2011-04-13 - Portage Errors: libselinux and libsemanage won't emerge with Python 3.x 2011-04-13 - Portage Errors: gcc-config: error: could not run/locate 'gcc' 2011-04-12 - Portage Errors: touch: No such file or directory 2011-04-12 - Portage Errors: app-emulation/xen-tools NOT merged due to file collisions 2011-04-12 - Portage Errors: app-emulation/xen-tools check_python FAILED 2011-04-06 - Portage Errors: groupadd: invalid option -- 'r' 2011-04-02 - Fun with Vapour Part One: "Health E-Cigarette" Electronic Cigarette 2011-03-30 - Portage Errors: Portage is Blocking Python 2011-03-25 - Apple iSight G5: iMac From Hell 2011-02-15 - Beefcase 2011-02-10 - Dumpster Diving Part One: Meet the Nortel Meridian Norstar Modular Key Phone System/PBX 2011-02-03 - Sniping 2011-01-22 - Transparent HTTP/DNS Anonymity, Encryption and Filtering with Tor, Privoxy, Squid, DansGuardian and dnsmasq on ClearOS 2011-01-14 - Fix: Multiple NICs on Same Layer 2 Network Broadcast All MACs on ARP request 2011-01-13 - BotHunter Headless on ClearOS with TOR 2011-01-11 - ISC Contacts L'il Ol' Me! 2011-01-03 - DRDoS Update 2: Problems with .nl Netherlands TLD